
Friday, December 12, 2014

{ " Dishes, Thrifting, and Blessings " }

It seems as if this blog is going to switch over from beauty, to lifestyle for a little while.
Things will probably get a little more personal around here too.

So some exciting things have been happening in Jane's little world as of late. I basically haven't stopped smiling for more than a short period of time in the last three months. I've always had the "life is beautiful" mindset, but it's there even more now. Life really is beautiful. God has blessed me with so much more than I deserve! I can't even describe it!

I'm preparing to start my "grown up" life, which is something I didn't see myself doing for quite a long time. God seems to give us the things we need, or desire, right when we stop thinking we need, or desire them. He has an amazing way of using the pieces of our lives to make one beautiful story. God has put an amazing man into my life (who will remain anonymous for the time being), who loves the Lord, and desires to serve Him with all of his heart. That was something I thought I was going to have to wait a long time for. I'm not sure why, but that was my mindset. Someday I'll tell you all our love story. It's quite a nice one to say the least. Our relationship progressed quickly, and before we knew it we were inseparable, and he was asking my dad's permission to court me. Marriage is our ultimate goal for our relationship, and I'm 100% sure he is the man God had planned me to marry.

Well, now here I am, buying dishes, preparing for our future together!
This blog post is supposed to be all about my latest thrift finds for my future home, and I hadn't planned to tell you all about Mr. Man, but I figured you'd want an explanation as to why I was buying dishes and what not!
I've been visiting a thrift store down the street from us, that is run by a Catholic church. They have amazing prices, and they don't sell anything in bad condition. I seriously can not believe the prices of the items! For instance, coffee mugs are $0.10 a piece, or $0.25 for three! You can't beat that! I didn't happen to buy any coffee mugs, but I bought a whole set of dishes! Service for eight, for $6.00.

The set includes eight plates, eight tea cups, eight saucers, eight little bowls, and eight dessert plates. That's forty pieces for $6.00! That is absolutely unbeatable! Really! The dishes are gorgeous, and as soon as I saw them I knew I had to have them immediately!

Tea cup and saucer.
Here is a comparison of the bowl beside my hand.
You can see in the other photo of the bowls that they are quite shallow as well.
I bought separate bowls to go along with them, because I honestly can't see a man ever eating that little amount of food! ;)
Beautiful dinner plate! 
Comparison of dinner plate, and dessert plate.

I also picked up a few other odds and ends at Salvation Army. All of which cost $8.00 all together. 

Gold tea light holder; and gold leaf napkin holder = $0.99 each!
Green milk bottle vase = $0.99

I couldn't resist getting this! It's close to impossible to find my name on anything.
So when I saw this, and that it was only $1.99 I snatched it right up!
I mean, c'mon, what are the chances?!

Two "man" mugs = $0.59 each!
Four Pfaltzgraff bowls = $2.99 all together.
I have a bunch of other things up in my hope chest, some baby clothes, dishes, more mugs, and etc. I'll have to explore in there again, and make another post about what is stored away in my hope chest. For now I'll be sure to post about all of my thrift finds! I'm addicted to thrift shopping, but when you can get everything above for only $14.00 it's insanely exciting! I think Mr. Man is very thankful that his future wife (nope, we're not engaged yet) is a thrift-aholic, and he was very excited to see my great deals! I absolutely can not wait until yard sale season! Especially now that I have a legit reason to start buying homey stuff!

The next chapter in my life is starting, and I have to admit, this is the one I have been anticipating for years, and years! I just never thought I'd get here!

Lots of love,

Monday, December 1, 2014

{ " Happy December! " }

Time has certainly flown by, especially since my last post! I can't believe that it is already December 1st! Only 24 days until Christmas everyone! That's only a little over three weeks. Isn't that insane?! I feel like it was just September, yesterday. 

Life has been a little bit crazy as of late. I've been spending time crocheting gifts, being with amazing friends, gallivanting around with horses (especially my girl, Trixie, who is pictured below), and helping out my family. 

Life is good, everyone. Life is really good. I'm amazed at all of the blessings the Lord is pouring down upon me as of late. It seems that since September I have seen Him work in my heart, and my life, and He has given me so many things I do not deserve. This holiday season I have so many incredible things to be thankful for.

So, I've gotten back into crocheting big time. I managed to make four scarves in a week, and I just started my second baby sweater. Pictures of my crochet items will come soon, along with links to the patterns for your viewing pleasure! 

I will also have some new beauty product reviews up in a little while, or as soon as I can get myself to sit down long enough to write them! 

I am always so excited for this time of the year, the special time of the year to celebrate Christ's birth, and giving to others! 

Well, I'll see y'all around! 
Thanks for reading!