
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

{ " A Little Love Story " }

In my last post you all got a little snippet of what God has been doing in my life. Well, He has certainly been doing some extraordinary things!

Everyone, meet John.
In less than three hundred and thirty days, he will be my husband.

On December 25, 2014, said, "YES!" To the man of my dreams, and my very best friend.

Now that you've enjoyed that little snippet of what happened on that day... I just have to get this out...

I'm getting married!

I still can't believe it, and it happened weeks ago, now! I've been collecting more things for our home, and starting to plan our wedding. It seems quite insane that I'm planning a wedding. I mean, I wasn't counting on that time coming for a long time, and now here it is, at my doorstep!

I'm so blessed to have such a godly, intelligent, loving, and brave man in my life. The fact that I get to call him my husband in less than 12 months is unbelievable! I am still freaking out a little!

It is just amazing how God works in our lives. When I met John 10 years ago, I never once thought he would someday be my husband. Even when I "re-met" him after being apart for five years, I didn't think at first that I would be his wife. Well... I am! It didn't take long for me to "fall" head over heels for the handsome cowboy that once again stole my heart. We talked every night after we met again, and soon chatting on Facebook turned into phone calls filled with stories, memories, giggles, and sometimes tears. By November of last year, only two months after we had been reunited, we had grown so attached to each other that when he left for a teacher's conference for a weekend, I actually cried. The timing of our reunion couldn't have been anymore perfect, for several reasons. God truly has a plan for each of our lives, and His timing was evident in our relationship. I think there are plenty of people out there who think we're crazy. Engaged after knowing each other for four months? Yeah, sounds crazy, I know. But, there hasn't been one moment that I have doubted this was God's plan for our lives. Ever since the very beginning there was this peace that flooded my heart, and told me just to be still, and trust. It took me a while to finally hand the pen of my love story over to God, but when I did, He showed me just how worthwhile that is. I am so overwhelmed with happiness that I get to spend the rest of my life with this wonderful man. Life with him is already such an amazing adventure, I can't wait to see what's down the road! Since the beginning of December we haven't gone a day without seeing each other, and I don't plan on breaking that record anytime soon! 

Seems this blog might turn into more of a wedding planning, and lifestyle blog for the rest of the year. I'm so excited to share this chapter of my life with you all! 

Jane Ashley