
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

{ " stand out. " }

Society has a way of making everyone want to fit in. Some people don't follow through with it, but some do. Being humans, what other people think of us often makes a large impact on our lives and actions. Whether it's how we dress, how we act in public, how we have our hair cut, or even what we do for activities. For a while I kept my personality on the down-low to keep people from knowing I'm a little (*cough cough* a lot) weird. I have a rather strong personality, as in I'm me, and that's basically it. I like to be goofy,  act like someone who might be slightly out of their mind, and I love to be playful. I am also extremely sarcastic... which, drives my grandmother crazy (little does she know I got it from her husband...), because she can never tell if I'm serious or not. I love to laugh, and I love to make others laugh. Now I have no problem acting silly in the store, or singing senseless things in Walmart. I want people to love me for me, not for someone I'm not.

One thing I have always been self conscious about is the fact that I don't wear makeup. It used to be that I "can't" wear makeup, but now I just don't. It's a choice. Nothing against anyone who wears makeup of course, but I choose not to. I struggled with not being able to wear makeup for a while, especially when I looked around and saw so many gorgeous girls, and sometimes wished I looked like them. Then I came to the grips that God made me who I am, and He made my face exactly how He wanted it to look. Isn't that amazing?! He gave me my freckles (which are sadly fading), He gave me my dimples, my short eyelashes, and it wasn't a mistake. He made me His kind of beautiful. Not the world's kind, but His. Everyone has a standard of "beauty", it's part of our nature. We all see things differently, so we all see beauty differently. I think the fact that God made us is proof that we are all beautiful, in our own different ways.

This post was really supposed to be about my glasses... but, I like always, got rambling on.


"Why fit in, when you were born to stand out?" -- Dr. Suess

Back in September I got my first pair of glasses, and they were okay. I wasn't really fond of them, but everyone else was. I got the pair I got, because the frames were $9.00. So, basically I got the cheapest pair I could get, and tried to talk myself into the fact that I liked them. I had had my mind set on getting a different pair, but the frames I tried were over $50.00, and that was not happening. So I settled with the pair I had, and received compliments on them from people I know, and had people tell me I looked cute. But, yet I still didn't like them. I really did not like them. The kind of frames I had wanted in the first place I was told would not look right on my face by several people, and they told me to just go with smaller frames. I decided it was best to stick with what I had, people liked them anyways...

Well, I came across a special deal on, and found a pair of frames I absolutely loved. They were the exact shape I had wanted all along, but they were a little bit smaller (which fits my petite face better). I ordered them, and I'll be honest, I was slightly wary about them. When they arrived on Monday afternoon (amazing shipping time by the way, they only took 3 days!) I tried them on immediately, and I was so happy. I finally had what I liked. Not what other people liked. These frames are exactly what I had been looking for, and I couldn't be happier. They are perfect! I have already had a compliment on them from a complete stranger too, which totally made my day. Other people might not like these frames on me, but I love them!

Plus they have this amazing etching on the sides, which I looooove.

So, don't forget to stand out, and be yourself, okay? This world doesn't need anymore clones of super models, and actresses. And... don't forget to make faces like these when you're taking photos of yourself (NO SHAME), because once in a while you just gotta be a dork, even just for your own amusement.

If you got anything from that jumbled mess... hopefully you got that you don't need to let other people's opinions control your life. If you like your hair short, cut it short, if you like your glasses funky, get funky glasses. 

Oh yeah, and wear Christmas socks with your slippers, it's high-fashion. Trust me.

Enjoy the little things, 

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