
Monday, December 16, 2013

{ " Hair Growth Update " }

I wouldn't normally do an update in the middle of the month... but, I think this is needed.
My hair has grown an insane amount in the last two weeks. It's actually crazy. I don't think my hair has ever grown this quickly! I'm not quite sure what to owe the growth to, seeing as I've been doing a lot of hair treatments over the last two weeks. And I mean a lot. I have done everything from a coconut oil deep condition, to inversion. Yes, inversion.

Basically I had been putting coconut oil in my hair twice a week, then using a shampoo/conditioner 2-in-1 to wash it out in order to keep the moisture in my hair. Sadly that shampoo/conditioner had sulfates in it, so I won't be using it again, unless it's just to wash out coconut oil! Then, I started putting literally a drop of castor oil in with my conditioner every time I washed my hair (which is every other day, or every three days). You need to only literally put a drop of castor oil, or else it won't rinse out and you'll be left with nasty, oily, sticky hair. Not a fun time.

Then I came across something called the "inversion method". I was quite curious about this. I don't really know how to phrase this properly without offending anyone... but, all of the YouTube videos I watched on inversion were done by women of color. They all said the same thing, "1 Inch of Growth in 7 Days!". Right... who's going to believe that? Well a bunch of them showed their results with videos they uploaded 7 days later, and their hair looked to be 1 inch longer. Most of them even used a measuring tape to show you! They said to heat up some oil, any oil of your choice (I used olive oil and a little bit of cinnamon, which stimulates the scalp), and to massage it into your roots for a minute or two. Then you are to "invert" yourself for up to five minutes. You can only do it once a month, because your brain evidently gets used to it, and knows you're just tricking it into stimulating your scalp. So, everyone said to only do it once a month. I lost track of time a few days, so it was more like ten minutes... There are a lot of like... warnings on the inversion method. So look it up before you try it, read a lot about it, and do it exactly the way they tell you to. Being women of color they did not have to wash their hair afterward, because of their hair type. I on the other hand had to wash my hair out every day, because I couldn't just walk around with greasy hair all day.
I will admit I only did this for five days, and on two days when I was out late grocery shopping it was like torture to have to do my hair. I could have done it in the morning, but I prefer to wash my hair at night then style it in the morning. I think I skipped it on Friday on accident, because by the time I realized what time it was it was like 10:00PM. Then on Sunday I skipped also. So... I didn't do the full seven days, but I didn't believe it would work anyways, so I didn't actually care. Well, today is technically day seven of the inversion method. So it's measuring day.

Unfortunately I lost the photos I took last Monday, so we will have to do with the photo from December 1st a day after I got my hair cut in the first place.

My hair was just a tiny bit longer than chin length. Probably at the most a 1/2" below chin length. Now it's touching my shoulders in the back and on the sides. The front is layered quite a bit, so it looks shorter in places.

I'm pretty sure from these photos that I've gotten at least 3/4" growth. Now, this is over the course of two weeks. I'm not saying the inversion thing did this all. But, it's kind of crazy. The back/sides of my hair is touching my shoulders. Which it was not even close to doing a couple of weeks ago. Even the layers in the back are grown out to the point where I can stand them. I can finally put my hair into a decent ponytail, and all of it stays back except a couple of pieces in the front. It is actually at a length I like, and I didn't have to wait like two months. My bangs have grown out so much that I can't even style them properly anymore. So they kind of just look crazy all the time! I'm trying to keep myself from cutting them, because they're just so annoying! 

That is a lot of growth isn't it? I'm not just going crazy right? o.O Hair grows at an average of 1/2" a month, so I'm pretty sure about 3/4" in two weeks is pretty stinkin' awesome. 

Y'all are going to think I'm crazy. But, I just held a ruler up to where my hair was cut to two weeks ago, and measured to where it is now... and it was over an inch longer. So, I'm giving an inch of growth give or take. Maybe that inversion thing really did work... I suppose I'll be doing that again next month! Sometimes I wish I had my hair dyed so I could measure by how much my roots grew out. Hahaha. Joke. ;) 

I also started taking different vitamins and I have seen a huge difference in my nails, even though I have only been taking them for like four days. Which, maybe that is just wishful thinking, but I don't know. I can actually have them free of polish without them breaking or splitting today. 

So, yes. I just thought I'd do that little update, because it's pretty exciting. I'll probably do another update on February 1st, unless I see an insane amount of growth before then! 

This is going to be so much fun! Documenting my hair growth is actually really fun. It's making me more excited for the day I can be like, "I REACHED ARMPIT LENGTH; HALLELUJAH!" It will be fun sharing my hair growth experiences with you guys (whoever "you guys" may happen to be). Hopefully you learn some tips and tricks along with me, and have fun too! 

Thanks for reading, 

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