
Monday, September 21, 2015

{ " It's been a while... " }

Well, it's been quite some time since I've posted! I was doing so well with keeping up with regular postings, and then I seemed to just forget about the little old blog! Plus, I've been quite busy!

Let's see... I left off in February...

February 28th marked John's twentieth birthday! We celebrated with gifts, and then headed out to lunch with his dad. It was wonderful to be able to celebrate his birthday with him!

As you all know, on December 25th, John proposed to me! Also on Christmas Day, my grandma (mom's mother) was moved to the Masonic Home in Charlton after falling, and breaking her arm. We visited her to give her the good news, and she was tired, but so excited for us! The "plan" was that her arm would heal, and she would head home. Well, she ended up on oxygen, which prompted my aunts to clean out her apartment, and get rid of it. It was a hard pill for all of us to swallow, and I know it was especially hard for my mom. Grandma had lived there for what seemed like forever, and it will always still be known as "Grandma's House", on "Grandma's Street", near "Grandma's 4-Way Stop". She seemed to be recovering nicely, and we visited her more often than not. We didn't go a week without seeing her, and we were sometimes there a few times a week. It was wonderful that she got to know John, and she loved him so much. I'm pretty sure she loved him almost as much as I do! Her health went up, and down, and sadly after going down, it didn't come back up. After many evenings spent watching HSN, and random TV shows with her in room, those laughter filled nights had to come to an end. The first Sunday in March, mom, dad, and the kids went to visit Grandma while I was with John. Mom messaged me online to tell me that I should go to see Grandma before I went home that night. She was almost unresponsive, and when she did respond it was all hallucinations. I remember sitting in that room, holding her hand, and feeling my heart break. That night we didn't laugh, and smiling seemed almost impossible. When we left that night the only thing I remember her saying is, "It's almost time for me to go home." Home. Not home to 5 Wells St. but rather, home to Jesus. When we got to the car I cried harder than I had cried in years. John simply held me tight, and fought back his own tears as I broke down completely.The following days were hard, and she was brought to the hospital when they found she had a severe gall bladder infection. The infection worsened, and they put in a drain to fix it, but it was incurable at that point. It had spread, and surgery was too risky. But, while she was awake, she was happy. Even if she didn't know who we were, she was happy. They moved her back to the Masonic Home, and she slept most of the time. She had one high day. Two days before she went home. She was up drinking coffee, laughing, and smiling. She was surrounded by friends, and family who loved her so dearly. Friday, March 13th she was still hanging on, even though for a week they were telling us she only had hours left. I hadn't yet brought myself to the place where I could truly say goodbye to her. I was still holding on to this selfish hope that she wouldn't leave us. That God would let her stay for just a little while longer. On Friday March 13th, I felt a tug at my heart, and instead of going straight home after picking John up from work, I asked him if we could go to see Grandma. When we arrived there were several people in the room, but they made room for me to sit beside her bed. I sat there, and held her weak, frail hand, and talked to her. She couldn't respond, but I brought up memories, told her stories, told her about our wedding plans, joked about all the pairs of size eight Alfred Dunner pants she had, and all the while I held back my tears. We all sang How Great Thou Art and the pastor from her church read scripture. When it came to about 9:30PM, I decided it was time to leave. She was still hanging on, but she was fading. I think the hardest thing I had ever done was when I let go of her hand that night, and I finally said goodbye. The last words I said to my grandmother were, "I love you, Grandma. I'll see you soon." They were the hardest words I had ever said, but at the same time I felt peace wash over me. I will never let her go completely, but I finally let her go to the Father's arms. I heard the phone ring in the middle of the night, and I knew that meant she had gone. She left us peacefully in her sleep, and she made her way to the Father's arms. To her true home. On March 14, 2015 Grandma went home.

May 6th marked my 20th birthday, and it was a wonderful day. John spoiled me, and took the day off of work to bring me on many adventures. Then I spent the evening with my family, including John, and my future mother-in-law.

June 15th rolled around, and Gunner Steel entered into my life. He's possibly the most insane, most wonderful, and most beautiful horse I have ever met. He has made me into the bombproof rider I am today! Mainly because of one ride he took me on about a month ago where I had to jump ship whilst he was running up to 30MPH while we were on a trail ride... That was fun!

September 1st was the first day we paid rent in our apartment. OUR apartment! Of course we won't be living together til we are married, but it's so awesome! Watch for my next blog post that will include photos!

Now we are wedding planning like crazy! The date we set is December 19th, 2015, and we are so excited! Granted, I'm slightly terrified. Hehe. Pretty soon I'm going to be a Mrs!

So yes, there's a little catch up, I shall enlighten more on my next post!


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